The ISOLDE Package
The package ISOLDE (Integration of Systems of Ordinary Linear Differential Equations) written in the computer algebra system Maple V contains functions for the symbolic resolution of systems of ordinary linear differential equations, and more generally linear functional matrix equations Given a linear differential system of the form where A is square matrix of dimension n, one can distinguish two types of problems, depending on the form of the coefficients of the matrix A : The package is implemented in the computer algebra system Maple. It contains code written by M.A.Barkatou and E.Pfluegel. Please send questions, comments and bug reports to us.
where q is a positive integer and the are constant matrices over a computable field K. The following functions are provided for the local analysis of such a system :
in the algebraic closure of K (or the point at infinity), the matrix A has an expansion as meromorphic power series at
. The local analysis at this point give useful information about global (closed form) solutions. The functions are :